First Year
- The practical part starts with basic fitting in the beginning and the candidate also imparted training on allied trades viz., Sheet Metal, Welding (Gas & Arc) which leads to multi-skilling. In the basic fitting the skills imparted are sawing, filing, marking, chipping, measurement, riveting, soldering, brazing, drilling and observation of all safety aspects is mandatory.
- The accuracy achieved is of±0.25 mm. The safety aspects cover components like
OSH&E, PPE, Fire extinguisher, First Aid and in addition 5S being taught. - Different drilling operations (through, blind, angular), reaming, offhand grinding, tapping,
dieing, different fits viz., sliding fit, etc., scraping, fastening (nuts & bolts, riveting, studs,
screws, etc.,). The accuracy achieved is of± 0.04 mm and angular accuracy to 30minutes. - Different turning operations on lathe (step, grooving, chamfering, drilling, boring, knurling &
threading), simple repair, overhauling and lubrication work on machine are being taught in the practical.
Second Year
- Power tool operation, different complex assembling and fitting, fastening, lapping, making gauges, pipe works and pipe joints, Dismantling, overhauling& assembling valves are covered. The accuracy achieved is of an accuracy of ± 0.02 mm & 10 minutes.
- Making & using drill jigs, making of critical components, repair & maintenance of power transmission system, making of template &complex gauges, identify different Pneumatic & hydraulic components and circuit construction, repair & maintenance of machinery like lathe, drill, grinding, bench drilling, Inspection of Machine tools, Accuracy testing of Machine tools and erection of simple machines are being performed as part of practical training.
- Professional Knowledge subject is simultaneously taught in the same fashion to apply cognitive knowledge while executing task. In addition components like Physical properties of engineering materials, Inter-changeability, Method of expressing tolerance as per BIS Fits, different types of iron, properties and uses, special files, honing, Metallurgical and metal working processes such as Heat treatment, the various coatings used to protect metals, different bearing, working material with finished surface as aluminium, duralumin and stainless steel, topics related to non-ferrous metals, Method of lubrication are also covered under theory part.
- Total two projects need to be completed by the candidates in a group. In addition to above components the core skills components viz., Workshop calculation & science, Engineering drawing, employability skills are also covered. These core skills are essential skills which are necessary to perform the job in any given situation
SNo | Name of the Course | Duration | Course Fee | Qualification | The certificate is Authorized by India |
1 | Fitter | 2 years | 32000 | 10th pass | Ministry of Skill Development and Training |